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Are Early Pointers of Fertility Issues Holding You Back?

Fertility Optimisation

At HUM2N, we're revolutionising fertility and reproductive health. With compassion and cutting-edge research, we offer personalised assessments to uncover underlying factors affecting fertility. Our holistic approach identifies imbalances, from hormones to nutrition, supporting your journey to conception.

Fertility Optimisation

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  • 1 in 7 couples struggle with fertility and our programme aims to offer individualised support.
  • 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and we provide caring guidance through this challenging experience.
  • Fertility problems affect both men and women equally, and we address underlying factors.
  • Sperm count has declined by over 50% in 40 years, but our approach improves sperm quality.
  • As couples delay having children, we offer preconception planning and optimised lifestyle recommendations for healthy pregnancies.
  • Futuristic Personalised Treatment Plans including diet, lifestyle, supplements, and innovative HUM2N therapies for improved fertility.
  • Bold Hormone Balance Solutions: Addressing hormonal imbalances through natural methods and bio-identical hormone therapy
  • We help identify and minimise exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
  • Revolutionary Preconception Planning: Increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Collaborative Healthcare: We work closely with fertility specialists and egg collection centers, offering a comprehensive approach to fertility optimisation
  • Personalised Recovery Strategies: Tailored plans for individual needs.
  • Holistic Healing Approach: Addressing mind, body, and soul.
  • Transformative Root Cause Resolution: Uncovering and resolving underlying issues.
  • Empowering Self-Care Practices: Nurturing well-being, promoting healing.
  • Collaborative Support Network: Partnering for comprehensive recovery.

The Science